One of the UK’s largest airports, Gatwick Airport, was closed for 33 hours earlier this week due to a drone allegedly flying above the runway. While the police, government and media have made claims of environmental activists, drone enthusiasts, and even Russian spies being the perpetrators of this incident, the truth may be even harder to stomach. According to our sources, the true culprit was a pigeon – a government surveillance pigeon – gone rogue.
Emerging Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
It has been almost three decades since Thatcher released the pigeon drones across the country to infiltrate every city, town, and village; watching and listening, scouring for information. Now, for the first time, a pigeon drone appears to have turned against its government operators and flown into restricted airspace, causing havoc to hundreds of thousands of passengers, and inciting fear among government officials. Of course, it was only a matter of time until the A.I. in the pigeon bots reached these capabilities – but many had not realised it would happen so soon.
The Cover Up
Authorities have worked hard to cover up the truth. Despite no video footage (in an airport with thousands of passengers with smart phones), the government has effectively convinced the majority of the population that this was some kind of industrial drone, operated by a member of the public, rather than the state’s own surveillance equipment.
Seeking to find cover for their apparent crimes, the government attempted to place the blame on two innocent members of the public – Elaine Kirk and Paul Gait – who were fortunately released without charge after they provided an alibi. The state will seemingly go to any length to cover up their pigeon crimes, even attempting to falsely imprison British citizens.
A wise senior police officer, Det Ch Supt Jason Tingley, later told the press that he believed there may have been no drone at all. However, government officials were quick to silence him. Tingley’s whereabouts are now unknown.
While there remains no definitive evidence of whether the Gatwick Drone was indeed a surveillance pigeon, we urge members of the public to treat any government statements or media speculation on the case with caution.